The Complete Cast of Army Wives
Introduction to Army Wives Cast
"Army Wives," a captivating drama series, aired from 2007 to 2013. The show highlighted the lives of military spouses, focusing on their challenges and triumphs. This article delves into the complete cast of "Army Wives," celebrating the actors who brought this poignant series to life.
Main Cast Members
Kim Delaney as Claudia Joy Holden
Kim Delaney portrayed Claudia Joy Holden, the influential wife of Colonel Michael Holden. Claudia Joy was a strong, compassionate leader among the military spouses, navigating life's trials with grace.
Sally Pressman as Roxy LeBlanc
Sally Pressman played Roxy LeBlanc, a feisty and resilient woman who married Private Trevor LeBlanc. Roxy's character brought a lively and spirited energy to the se...